Welcome to CNPC Family

The Central Noida Pujo Committee (CNPC), founded on 21st Oct 2018, is a platform to nurture the Socio-Cultural and Religious legacy of Eastern India. Through this all inclusive endeavor, CNPC attain to reach the heart of people. CNPC has set high goals, not just restricting it to rituals, but to encourage the talents and also to help the underprivileged to fulfill social obligation/duties.

CNPC is a vibrant community through the entire team aspire to weave a legacy for coming generations, encouraging them to come forward not just to celebrate festivals but to put a foundation of a strong nation by guiding them to become good citizens and above all a good human being.

CNPC welcome participation of members across 7X societies to make CNPC, one of its own, an all-inclusive endeavor.

With the blessings of Almighty, CNPC is committed to fulfill its entire objective for the upliftment of the society.


central noida puja committee

President’s Desk

Central Noida Pujo Committee (CNPC) is established to create socio-cultural and religious space to cherish the ethos of Eastern India together with the friends and families residing in 7X sectors of NOIDA. Our goal is to spread the essence of the rich heritage bestowed upon us. Let us join hands to make this dream come true
Indrani Mukherjee

Celebration time

CNPC celebrates its third anniversary.

One place one family

Upcoming EVENTS

CNPC upcoming events in 2023